The Wandering Pen in the Strait of Magellan, Patagonia

Strait of Magellan - Patagonia

While I listen to the whispers of nature, I am exposed to its mysteries and infinite questions.
As a humble traveller in this vast universe, I endeavour to grasp, to learn, to feel.

I am gazing at the peaceful sea, reflecting the colours of the serene sky. The clouds look like they were taken from a painting by Constable, creating a sense of mature tranquillity.
In the mountains, the season is further ahead; winter has already arrived, and snow, like a thick layer of powdered sugar, covers their peaks.
When I look at this landscape, I can’t help but feel a sense of awe and admiration. Nature, with its perpetual change and its eternal flow, reminds me how small and insignificant I am.
The rocks of the Andes that descend into the Patagonian Sea, the giant albatrosses that soar into the sky, and the majestic mountains have existed long before me and will continue to exist long after I am gone.
And it is this sense of insignificance that strengthens my deep connection to the universe.
I am part of this perpetual flow, this eternal change. My life, like the life of all things, is a fleeting moment, a drop in the ocean of time.

Then… What is the meaning of my existence? Do I have a specific role in this vast universe?

These are questions that have no clear answers but only room for speculation.
Perhaps the meaning of existence is to live fully, to experience every moment with intensity and passion, and to make the most of the time I have.
Maybe the meaning is to love and be loved.
Maybe the meaning is to leave a positive impact on the world, no matter how small.
Who knows the true answer?
Then again, maybe the search for the answer, the journey of self-knowledge, is the real meaning of existence.




With my wandering pen, I transport you to distant cultures and majestic landscapes.
Each time, one of my travel photographs will become a source of inspiration and motivation for writing.
An opportunity for self-reflection through cultural exploration and the power of the written word.

Picture of Sofia Motsia

Sofia Motsia

MA Creative Writing, BA Theatre studies


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