A vast sandy beach under blue skies with frayed clouds. Calm sea, fishing boats at a distance. Sparkling waves at the shore. A few birds in flight.
Two seagulls near the waterline.
A piece of red debris on the sand adds a splash of colour.
The lone fisherman has sold all his daily catch and is now on his way to the sea to rinse out his empty container.
If you were born and raised in San Antonio and worked as a fisherman, how do you think your personality would be different?
Is there any part of you that would remain unchanged no matter where you were born? If so, what would that be?
With my wandering pen, IÂ will transport you to distant cultures and majestic landscapes.
Each time, one of my travel photographs will become a source of inspiration and motivation for writing.
An opportunity for self-reflection through cultural exploration and the power of the written word.