The Wandering Pen in Nottingham, England

Robin Hood

In the shadows of Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, the tale of Robin Hood and his friends still lives on.

The story shows us that right and wrong can change depending on the situation.

Even though Robin Hood’s actions were against the law, people believed they were righteous because he was helping the poor and oppressed.

This makes me wonder…

Who decides what is right and wrong? Can good and justice change depending on perspective and circumstances?

However, whatever happens, being generous and courageous can be neither wrong nor unfair.




With my wandering pen, I transport you to distant cultures and majestic landscapes.
Each time, one of my travel photographs will become a source of inspiration and motivation for writing.
An opportunity for self-reflection through cultural exploration and the power of the written word.

Picture of Sofia Motsia

Sofia Motsia

MA Creative Writing, BA Theatre studies


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