Write Oneself

The Power of the Written Word in the Digital Age

In the chaos of our digital age, information flows like a virtual waterfall and entire conversations are reduced to fleeting pixels. Despite this, the written word remains a crucial medium for communication. From social media posts to business emails, it is the primary means by

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A Coruña
Write Oneself


Asynchronous Spring does not come for everyone at the same time. Spring, sometimes, is late. And if you’re standing,with no leaves, no flowers, no crops,among the tufted trees and colourful bushes,think that there is someone,who admires your naked branches. S. Motsia

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Write Oneself

Mindful Writing, Personal Development and Self-Awareness

What if I write Mindfully? The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates’ Apology In the dictionary of the American Psychological Association, the Self is the totality of the individual consisting of all their characteristics, conscious and unconscious, mental and physical. However, apart from the

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