Directing Existence

Directing Existence

Frames per second (fps) refers to the number and speed of alternating images used to create a video or animation. In classic cinema, magic happens at 25 FPS, which means 25 consecutive images every second.

How does this apply to our lives?
How might it be reflected in our world?

Imagine the possibility of watching life in slow motion, watching each moment, like the frames of a movie, materialise and then fade away. Imagine moments in sequence —a heartbeat, a blink of the eyelids, a fragment of a step— all together telling our story. Through these vignettes, life reveals a series of unique, sequential events that are intertwined with each other as well as with each previous/next moment, day, month, year…
Each present moment emerges as the active context projected on the extended screen of our consciousness, capturing our attention and shaping our experience. The past is preserved as a collection of impressions, echoes of events that have shaped us, hidden deep in the recesses of memory.
Meanwhile, the future has not yet unfolded; it lies on a reel of film with myriad frames, untouched, waiting for the light of existence to shine upon them. Each frame is full of possibilities and possibilities – a series of different paths that lie before us, waiting for us to make a choice. These possible moments are waiting for our decisions to give them life, pull them into the foreground and transform them from mere possibilities into the present moment of experience.

What distinguishes our lived experiences from projections on a screen?


Is the difference in the number of successive moments unfolding before us?
If so, the frames per second of our world cannot be limited to 25; instead, they are numerous and beyond our perception. Each fleeting moment emerges from the future’s unknown, only to fade quickly into the past. This relentless cycle of emergence and sublimation of moments is surprisingly fast and creates a dynamic flow of life that constantly pushes us forward.
And we, as conscious participants in any active context, are the protagonists of our existence, navigating the complexities of our reality.
At the same time, as conscious observers of this complex mechanism, we assume the director’s role. By selecting the next frame, the next moment, we shape our experiences and influence the course of our lives.



Picture of Sofia Motsia

Sofia Motsia

MA Creative Writing, BA Theatre studies


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