Every year, with the arrival of spring and the first buds, a question arises, a thorn in my side…
“Why should there be a dedicated celebration for women?”
Because, in a polite world, Women’s Day would not be an International Day on the calendar but an unnecessary concept.
Imagine a spring where every flower that blooms is recognised for its unique beauty without being categorised.
Imagine a meadow where each flower thrives and its uniqueness is understood and appreciated.
However, the reality is far from such a spring. The path to the peaceful coexistence of people remains blocked by boulders of prejudice and gaps of discrimination.
So, while I long for a world where we celebrate the human spirit, free from the constraints of discrimination, I also understand the necessity of such a day…
“I am not free while any woman is unfree,
even when her shackles are very different from my own.”Audre Lorde
Women’s Day serves as a stark and sad reminder that many women still face discrimination, abuse and violence because of their gender.
This day is not a celebration; it is a call to action by individuals, organisations and governments to ensure women’s rights are respected, protected and promoted in every walk of life.
Imagine now a lone poppy in a barren landscape.
Let us be the rain that sweeps away prejudice and discrimination, closes the gaps, and waters the arid landscape.
Let us transform it into a fertile meadow where everyone can thrive and flourish regardless of their gender, race, or any other factor.